Moderating Role of Project Manager’s Competency on The Relationship of Project Success and Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Study of Information Technology Based Organizations
Entrepreneurial Orientation, Project Success, Project Manager’s CompetencyAbstract
This study examines the moderating role of project manager’s competency on the relationship of project success and entrepreneurial orientation in information technology organization. Logically developed a research strategy to evaluate and establish hypotheses to examine or to explore relationship between project success, entrepreneurial orientation and project manager’s competency. Data got collected from IT organizations in Lahore, Islamabad and Rawalpindi of Pakistan. A questionnaire got used to collect the data from 250 respondents, out of which 230 respondents answered the questionnaire. The outcomes of this study displays that entrepreneurial orientation significantly and positively linked with project success. Moreover, the moderating role of project manager’s competency was found positively significant in association with entrepreneurial orientation and success of the project. The said research contributes not only to the knowledge of existing project management, but looks for bridging up the gap between project success and entrepreneurial orientation literature too. Furthermore, the current study should also allow project managers to explore new avenues to understand the project going to be completed. They need to exhibit a mix of different types of dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation in their decisions and procedures to improve project success.