internet, media, behavior, digital marketingAbstract
Being rapidly connected on internet is currently a “way of being” among adolescents. However, being connected to internet is also categorized as “problematic” for some users as it tends to lead user into social misbehaving. Rapid changes in technology tend to lead users into a negative behavior especially Indonesian adolescent. According to Huffington post, it is reasoned by lack of education and literature among them which makes them lack of norms and morals then it turns to a cause of community misbehaving. The reason is most of content creator provide content that consist of such unacceptable word, inappropriate visual
content and unsuitable lifestyle. Most of adolescent are socially misbehaving as a result of being influenced by content that is being provided by internet content creator.Thus, the current analysis is aiming for testing the media’s influence on emotional regulation then we may call it “e-motions” on adolescents’ problematic internet use as we are expecting that they will make a progress on their behavior transformation into a better community who is dressed in good manner and habit.
As a result, the incorporation between digital media as a platform ofdelivering the messages and design thinking as a key of content relevance for Indonesian adolescents is able to be framing approaches to make a change on behavior among teenagers and supported by digital marketing method in order to broaden content delivery into users. Each activity of content research is always started from an emotional data by empathizing our audiences and start to prototype our idea based on emotional data that we have collected.