The Interplay of High-Performance Work Practices and Project Complexity on Project Success: Examining the Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing
High-Performance Work Practices, Project Complexity, Project Success, Knowledge Sharing, Resource Based View TheoryAbstract
This study examines the mediating function of knowledge sharing in the association between High-Performance Work Practices (HPWPs), project complexity, and project success in the telecom vendor industry in Pakistan. Rooted on the Resource-Based View (RBV) paradigm, the study seeks to tackle the difficulties of attaining project success in progressively intricate settings. High-Performance Work Practices (HPWPs), recognized for augmenting staff competencies and engagement, are anticipated to positively affect project results; yet, the influence of project complexity frequently diminishes these initiatives. This study examines knowledge sharing as a mediator to comprehend how successful cooperation and information exchange can alleviate the adverse impacts of project complexity and amplify the beneficial influence of HPWPs on project success. Data was gathered from telecom suppliers in Pakistan via a structured survey and examined utilizing mediation analysis methods. The results indicate that knowledge sharing substantially mediates the connection between high-performance work practices, project complexity, and project success, implying that cultivating a culture of knowledge sharing is essential for addressing the challenges associated with complex projects and attaining successful results. These insights offer actionable consequences for telecommunications vendors in Pakistan aiming to enhance project management processes within a competitive and dynamic sector.